How to fix, possible reasons,andmore

Posted by Patria Henriques on Friday, June 7, 2024

Every year, Electronic Arts releases their new batch of sports games like FIFA 23, Madden 23, and more. These often get their rosters of teams and players updated to match the real world, along with bringing in new features and updated graphics.

Regrettably, new things often bring in their own flavor of trouble. The SSL connection error is one such issue striking PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 users in games like Madden 23 and others. This hampers player experience by turning the screen white mid-gameplay.

The SSL connection issues have caused plenty of troubles to Madden 23 players

Players experience new defense animations on the Xbox Series X/S and PlayStation 5 versions (Image via Electronic Arts)

While playing the game, players will get a message popping up stating “Cannot communicate using SSL” and stay frozen on a white screen. This error occurs when a player's PSN ID is not linked to their EA account, which is required for online connectivity. To resolve this issue for games like Madden 23 and other games, players can follow these steps:

  • Open the official EA website on a browser
  • Users will need to click on the person icon on the top-right corner of the screen to sign in
  • Click on the PlayStation icon and enter the necessary details to sign in using the PSN account
  • Once this is done, players will be asked to link their EA account with their PSN ID. They will need to connect these accounts in order to solve the issue
  • Lastly, they can access their account information by clicking on the person icon again. Here, they can head to the connections section at the bottom to confirm if their PSN account linked successfully. Other info about the player’s account can also be found here.

If players are already signed in to their EA account, they can simply sign out and re-login with their PSN account to link them. Following all of these steps correctly should solve the SSL error and players can continue playing Madden 23.

If following these steps does not fix the issue, then players might want to file a complaint at EA support. They will be able to solve this, and any other problems that the player might be having.

New features of Madden 23 and FIFA 23

Released in August 2022, Madden 23 features John Madden on the cover after almost two decades to honor his death on December 28, 2021. The game brings in new modes and features, like free agency tools and additional trading factors. The PS5 and Xbox Series X/S supports new and more detailed animation for defense, as well as mid-air collisions and tackle assists.

FIFA 23 has a new Hypermotion2 system that captures real-life football matches and uses machine learning to create over 6000 in-game animations. This gives the game incredibly realistic animations and makes for more immersive gameplay.

Interested parties can pick up the game on various platforms like PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. Players may check out other guides and troubleshooting for FIFA 23 here and for Madden 23, here.

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