NCIS Recap 2/17/15: Season 12 Episode 15 Cabin Fever

Posted by Trudie Dory on Wednesday, May 15, 2024

NCIS Recap 2/17/15: Season 12 Episode 15 "Cabin Fever"

Tonight on CBS NCIS returns with an all new Tuesday February 17, season 12 episode 15 called, “Cabin Fever” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Gibbs’ arch-nemesis is suspected of being responsible for an explosion at a summit on global terror, but Gibbs chooses to sit out the investigation to help a grief-stricken Fornell, whose life is on the verge of imploding following his wife’s murder.

On the last episode, DiNozzo returned to the military academy he attended as a teenager after a murdered Marine and alumni of the school was found clutching the photo of a current student. Also, Bishop and her husband invited Gibbs and the team out for a special dinner. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the CBS synopsis, “The NCIS team suspects Gibbs’ arch-nemesis is behind an explosion at a summit for global terror event, but Gibbs elects to sit out the investigation in order to help a grief-stricken Fornell, whose life is on the verge of imploding following his wife’s murder.”

Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of CBS’s CSI: Crime Scene Investigation at 10:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about the new season.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Fornell is coming apart at the seams on tonight’s all new episode of “NCIS” and he doesn’t appear to want to help himself. Or at the very most acknowledge that there is a problem!

Earlier, Fornell was pulled over for drinking and driving yet he made light of it as if what he was doing was merely one big joke. And it’s not. It’s serious and unfortunately Gibbs doesn’t have that much time outside of the job to dedicate into helping out his friend. However his new case involving a bombing might actually be the one thing that could help everyone move on from Diane’s murder.

Because that’s why they’ve been falling apart. Diane’s murder was the catalyst and now Fornell is spending his nights in jail, his daughter Emily is the one looking after her drunk of a father, and Gibbs’s bedside manner had managed to alienate most of his team. So these people need a way out of their grief and the one thing that could help is if they take down Diane’s killer.

The new case the NCIS are working on has an obvious connection to Sergei. And both of the main men in Diane’s life want to turn this case into one thing that would help them get Segeri (Diane’s killer). But there’s little just one little problem with that – it seems Gibbs and Fornell aren’t what’s good for the investigation.

Gibbs was pushing his team away all the while his intent was trying to push them to do better and when Fornell later showed up at the office offering his assistance – he was clearly drunk. So although it was difficult – Gibbs separated them for everyone else. He took Fornell out to a cabin in the woods and except for updates they were basically cut off from the real world.

Meanwhile his team was following up on the evidence. Two people that were injured in the explosion were alert to answer questions and the team wanted to know what they could find out from them. And, as it turns out, not much. Though, luckily, Gibbs had a plan B.

Whereas he was busy drying out Fornell, he had already contacted Bishop’s husband and had asked hand him to hand over the file they’ve been working on for few weeks. The same one Bishop didn’t know about until now.

The files were a treasure trove. And the team eventually learned more about Sergei than they ever could. Not only does it seems that Sergei knew Russian Counselor Anton Pavlenko more than Pavlenko let on but Sergei might also have a connection to former NCIS member Ziva. Ziva’s mother was a doctor who has Palestinian roots and surprisingly Sergei’s mother (the one his father separated him from and whose never named) can be described in the exact same way.

So the team believes Ziva could be Sergei’s half-sister and if their theory pans out that might also explain why Sergei has it out for Gibbs.

However, regardless of how much the team learned, the recent bombing was in fact not a random crime everyone had originally thought. Instead of Sergei simply attacking people – primarily out of spite – the bombing ended up being a distraction. It seems Sergei just wanted the team to be focusing on that while Gibbs would have most likely have been moved to another place for safety.

Apparently, Sergei’s plan all along was go after Gibbs but again the criminal mastermind underestimated Gibbs. Because when he did make his move – Gibbs and Fornell, for that matter, were waiting for him. And so it was Segeri that walked into the trap.

Gibbs allowed Fornell to take the kill shot on that one and by the end of this episode Sergei was finally out of both of their lives. Yet, the way the case ended almost felt too perfect and so Director Vance started to suspect more was going on behind the scenes.

He later asked Gibbs about it and was put off. But Vance was right about Sergei dying so conveniently.
The truth is Gibbs hadn’t taken Fornell to the cabin to dry out. He actually wanted him there because he knew Sergei would come after him and wanted it to be them that killed him. So he set Sergei up and he did it with the help of a certain Russian Counselor. As for the whole stepping away from his desk act – that was merely a lie he told his team and director.


